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Atelier MBTI à Londres

Organisé par le groupe "Les Agros du UK"

Interacting with Personality Types - An Approach to the MBTI®

EDHEC Alumni organise un atelier MBTI sur le campus EDHEC de Londres le 25 avril 2016
Les agros adhérents à leur associations sont invités à y participer aux mêmes conditions que les alumni de l'EDHEC.
Si vous êtes intéressés, merci de vous inscrire ici, nous vous adresserons le lien direct pour participer.
Le cout est de £45 pour les adhérents et  de £60 pour les non-adhérents.


Want to understand what motivates you and others? Looking to enhance your personal effectiveness and communication skills? Curious to know how differently we see and interact with the world? Ready to explore your comfort and conflict zones and your reactions under stress?

These are the topics that the MBTI® workshop will help you tackle, on top of giving you clues on how to assess your own personality type. As the best known and most trusted personality assessment framework, the MBTI® instrument will equip you with insights beneficial to both your professional and personal lives.


About the Trainer

Anne-Sophie Alitch is a Business Coach and Trainer in Personal Development. She provides training in various essential business-related soft skills and in particular in the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). Anne-Sophie specialises in Business Coaching, which she has performed with companies and individuals in different areas of business. 

After graduating from EDHEC, she worked for leading companies in Finance, Audit and Steel Industry as a Project Manager, Lean Manager, Compliance Officer, and Auditor. Enriched from those experiences, she started her own business in personal development in order to work closer to and with people, encouraging them to grow their potential. For further information, please check

Lundi 25 avril 2016
18h00 - 22h00
EDHEC Campus
10 Fleet Place EC4M 7RB
United Kingdom
  • 45 € Diplômés membres

  • 60 € Diplômés non membres

Inscriptions closes

EDHEC Campus

10 Fleet Place EC4M 7RB
United Kingdom

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Lundi 25 avril 2016
18h00 - 22h00
EDHEC Campus
10 Fleet Place EC4M 7RB
United Kingdom
  • 45 € Diplômés membres

  • 60 € Diplômés non membres

Inscriptions closes
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